With the weather changing and Fall here, your customers dining needs are changing to selection for the season. Prepare a fall dish with one of the most popular winter squashes, Acorn Squash.
Acorn Squash, named for its distinct size and shape, has wide ribs and hard skin. They have a taste similar to the combination of hazelnuts and black pepper. Acorn Squash is sweet in flavor and creamy when cooked. With the seeds removed, acorn squash can be baked or used in casseroles. Acorn Squash are as useful decoratively as they are on the table. For variety, hollow out the squash and stuff with a rice and meat mixture or bread stuffing. Acorn Squash is an absolute way to add variety to festive holidays in addition to any time of the year.
Choose squash that have a hard, deep-colored rind and that are free of blemishes or moldy spots. The hard skin protects the flesh and allows it to store longer than summer squash. Store Acorn Squash in a cool, dark, well ventilated area for up to three weeks. Order your 20-24ct case today!