North Bay Produce
Traverse City, MI
North Bay Produce is a cooperative of more than 32 grower-owners from North, Central, and
South America, producing fresh fruits and vegetables year-round – from asparagus to apples,
berries, and snow & sugar snap peas. Headquartered in Traverse City, the northwest corner of
Michigan’s lower peninsula, the international company markets and distributes the products
From the field to the corporate office, North Bay Produce growers and staff are committed to
consistently delivering high-quality fresh produce. Our growers comply with foodsafety and
security standards and handling protocols to offer safe and delicious product. Staff at each of
our warehousing & packing facilities skillfully inspects and oversees proper handling of all
produce distributed by North Bay Produce to guarantee freshness and quality upon delivery.
Many of North Bay Produce's family of growers are second, third and even fourth-generation
farmers. Those years of experience bring extensive knowledge and know-how in growing some
of the finest fruits and vegetables throughout the world.
Since 1985, North Bay Produce has been a grower-owned, family-centered company dedicated
to producing the best quality produce in the industry. Our customer commitment guarantees
each product grown for North Bay has been carefully selected and picked with the highest
regard for food safety and freshness while maintaining harmony with nature throughout the
growing process.
As a family of growers, we understand our business is part of a larger society; therefore we
work diligently to respond to the social needs of our farming community and the land that
provides for us all. Every decision we make regarding our farming practices, packaging
solutions, and transportation has the sustainability of our planet in mind. North Bay Produce
represents farms that have been growing for generations. We make it a point to steward the
land for generations to come.
P O BOX 549